Google has finally released a proper web version of the Android Market! Sure took 'em long enough.
And my apps are on there, obviously.
Notepad is my simple little notetaking app. No frills, no ads, and you can import from and export to to SD card. I believe Notepad is as done as it will ever be. I'll do bugfixes if needed, but any more features would take away from the simplicity people seem to like.
FileMan is my simple little file manager. Browse and manage the files on your SD card. I've got one more feature release planned, and if users request a feature I'll certainly consider it, but I think FileMan is also approaching the 'done' state.
TaskMan is the red-headed stepchild, I'm afraid. It was my first Android app, more a proof of concept than anything else. It doesn't do anything the stock 'Manage Applications' doesn't do, and due to the Force Stop functionality being misused, as of Android 2.1, Google decided to make it stop working.
So what else am I working on? I've got a bunch of ideas and prototypes kicking around: An app that stores your notes online so you'll never loose them (but requires an active data connection). An app to list and track your book collection. A simple but fun puzzle game. A terminal application to connect to talkers like MUDs, MUCKs and MOOs.
If you've got any feedback on my current apps, my ideas or even ideas for Android applications of your own, please post 'em here!